
Grave and Marker Management

All interment information (grave location, GPS Coordinates, etc ) are stored and accessible from the web and mobile devices.  In addition, the aplication supports the association of products (Flat Marker, Headstone, Monuments, Vase, etc) to the interment and  helps the tracking of the services performed.  Users can attach documents and photos to each product and add the activities performed. Benefits of the solution are:

  • Proof-of-Delivery of Services and Installation of Goods
  • Operations Record Keeping Repository
  • Support for Interment Verification & Plot Status
  • Support to Pre-Need Trust Audits

Video Management

The application supports uploading and online streaming of videos. Videos can be associated to "pre-defined" areas and also to "pre-defined" video categories (i.e. video before work started, video after work performed, etc). The recorded videos support the work performed on different areas. Some of the benefits or the video infrastructure are: 

  • Proof-of-Work Performed
  • Inventory of all Assets Before and After Activities are Peformed
  • Support for Finding Locations on Cemetery - Adjacent Memorials
  • Support to Pre-Need Trust Audits

Mobile Support

The web base and mobile solutions support the office and field cemetery operations teams.  The Droid talet solution supports the operations and consultant teams on the field. The solution supports the collection and verfication of interment and product information. Some of the application features are:

  • Photo Management - Upload and Verification by Interment
  • Interment Information Managment - Ability to view and update information
  • Plot Management - abitlity to verify and update plot is status (open, sold, etc)

Reports and Barcode Support


Several reports are available for interment information collection and verficaction; and for inventory purposes. These report can be printed or exported to MS Excel.  The reports contain barcode labels to facilitate the inventory and verficiation of products and services performed. In addition, tools are available to import inventory results and to collect services performed.

Verification and Grouping Tools


An "asset grouping" tool is available to support the verficaction of work performed and interment information. This tool can be utilized to set different groups to support the work such as:

  • All New Burials This Week
  • Grave Lot Status (Sold, Available, Reserved, etc)
  • Blind Check Verifications for A Specif Area
  • etc


Air View GPS

The web application displays a graphical air view of all GPS coordinates information collected per grave. The application uses every gps coordinate to display the location of the graves. In addition, the solution display the following information after clicking on the location of the grave:

  • Interment Name
  • Grave Photo

contact us to get started

Contact a tekfort representative to learn more and get started with the Cemetery Suite application.

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